Co-ed soccer begins the first week of March and lasts through May. During these periods, there are usually 1 to 3 practices per week preseason and 1 to 2 practices during the playing season.
Developmental Soccer
We offer Developmental Soccer, starting at 2nd grade. We offer a 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade developmental team practicing one day a week and playing a game one day per week for eight weeks. Developmental soccer at Saint Gabriel is a great way to introduce your child to athletics at Saint Gabe's. Soccer is the only sport offered by Saint Gabe's to 2nd graders.
Junior Varsity
Competitive soccer is offered, beginning with 5th grade. The Junior varsity squad is made up of both 5th and 6th graders. If a sufficient number of athletes sign-up, two Junior Varsity teams may be fielded, preferable along grade level lines. Although competitive, during these first two years, an effort is made to play all students during the games. The emphasis is on developing the athletes through fundamentals.
The Varsity squads are composed of 7th and 8th graders. A more competitive atmosphere exists and no playing time is guaranteed. If a sufficient number of athletes sign-up, multiple Varsity teams may be fielded.
Developmental Soccer
We offer Developmental Soccer, starting at 2nd grade. We offer a 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade developmental team practicing one day a week and playing a game one day per week for eight weeks. Developmental soccer at Saint Gabriel is a great way to introduce your child to athletics at Saint Gabe's. Soccer is the only sport offered by Saint Gabe's to 2nd graders.
Junior Varsity
Competitive soccer is offered, beginning with 5th grade. The Junior varsity squad is made up of both 5th and 6th graders. If a sufficient number of athletes sign-up, two Junior Varsity teams may be fielded, preferable along grade level lines. Although competitive, during these first two years, an effort is made to play all students during the games. The emphasis is on developing the athletes through fundamentals.
The Varsity squads are composed of 7th and 8th graders. A more competitive atmosphere exists and no playing time is guaranteed. If a sufficient number of athletes sign-up, multiple Varsity teams may be fielded.