At St. Gabriel OSV School, our goal is to develop the whole child. Christ is the model. Our goal through a Catholic education is to help our children mature into Christ-like people. We encourage our students to recognize the presence of Christ in themselves and others. The religious formation of children begins at home. We assist in that formation through our Catholic school.
We teach self-discipline. Our students are expected to accept responsibility for their actions, to respect others, and to make good decisions in the context of their faith experience. We provide a safe, supportive environment. Reverence for the human dignity of every person comes from recognizing Christ in ourselves and others. More than “Drug-free zones” or “Gun-free zones," our Catholic school strives to be a “Christ-centered zone."
We have high expectations—our teachers expect every student to achieve. We have committed parents—they are a child’s first teachers. At St. Gabe's, parents take an active role in their children’s education. Our school supports families and works with them for the benefit of children.
St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Virgin parish is a caring community. Our school parents and parishioners provide hundreds of volunteer service hours to our school. Our parents assist with everything from playground and lunch supervision, coaching our many team sports and extracurricular activities, helping with our school musical, chaperoning field trips and putting band-aids on skinned knees, raising funds, installing computer networks, and most importantly, showing our children how to live a life for others.
Our students have the opportunity to participate in our Forensics Program, which covers categories such as Extemporaneous Speaking, Group Readings, Prose Interpretation, Humorous and Dramatic Interpretation, Debate, and Original Oratory. Our teams compete not just against other parochial schools, but local public schools as well. Over the years, we have placed first in most competitions, and often won at the state level.
Math 24
St. Gabe's participates in the Math 24 program. This is a fast-paced mathematics curriculum supplement which builds strong mental mathematics and problem-solving skills. It gives our students the fundamental skills they need to achieve their academic goals. It challenges our students to create equations that total 24 by using all numbers on a card and any combination of addition, subtraction, multiplication or division, while also advancing higher-order thinking skills. Mathematics problems range from addition and subtraction to integers and algebra readiness. Each year our students compete in their classrooms, in our school, at the diocesan level, at the state level, and at the national level. Our students love the program and they strive to be named one of the Top Ten Schools in the Nation!
Spelling Bee
Students have the opportunity to compete in two regional spelling competitions. The first, for students in Grades 4-8, is the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Western PA Spelling Bee held in March. The winner of the PG Bee, which is held at a local university, will represent our city in Washington DC at the national level. The second event, for students in Grades 4-6, is the Pittsburgh Diocesan Spelling Bee, which is held in May at a local grade school. Interested students meet twice a month after school for several months to practice and engage in fun activities to improve their spelling. Then, two separate bees are held here at our school. One determines who will represent St Gabriel school at the PG bee, the other selects our participant for the Diocesan bee.
Student Council
The student body of St. Gabriel School, Grades 6 through 8, elects 10-12 officers from the 7th and 8th grades to serve as school representatives. Homeroom representatives from each middle school homeroom are also elected to be part of the board.
The purpose of this organization is to foster school spirit, build community, and bring about the formation of confident, capable, and reliable students; to develop effective student leaders involved in the democratic process who will become competent future members of society, respectful of the rights and responsibilities of its citizens.
St. Gabriel Student Council raises thousands of dollars a year for several different charitable groups, leads school events, and represents the school in community events.
We teach self-discipline. Our students are expected to accept responsibility for their actions, to respect others, and to make good decisions in the context of their faith experience. We provide a safe, supportive environment. Reverence for the human dignity of every person comes from recognizing Christ in ourselves and others. More than “Drug-free zones” or “Gun-free zones," our Catholic school strives to be a “Christ-centered zone."
We have high expectations—our teachers expect every student to achieve. We have committed parents—they are a child’s first teachers. At St. Gabe's, parents take an active role in their children’s education. Our school supports families and works with them for the benefit of children.
St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Virgin parish is a caring community. Our school parents and parishioners provide hundreds of volunteer service hours to our school. Our parents assist with everything from playground and lunch supervision, coaching our many team sports and extracurricular activities, helping with our school musical, chaperoning field trips and putting band-aids on skinned knees, raising funds, installing computer networks, and most importantly, showing our children how to live a life for others.
Our students have the opportunity to participate in our Forensics Program, which covers categories such as Extemporaneous Speaking, Group Readings, Prose Interpretation, Humorous and Dramatic Interpretation, Debate, and Original Oratory. Our teams compete not just against other parochial schools, but local public schools as well. Over the years, we have placed first in most competitions, and often won at the state level.
Math 24
St. Gabe's participates in the Math 24 program. This is a fast-paced mathematics curriculum supplement which builds strong mental mathematics and problem-solving skills. It gives our students the fundamental skills they need to achieve their academic goals. It challenges our students to create equations that total 24 by using all numbers on a card and any combination of addition, subtraction, multiplication or division, while also advancing higher-order thinking skills. Mathematics problems range from addition and subtraction to integers and algebra readiness. Each year our students compete in their classrooms, in our school, at the diocesan level, at the state level, and at the national level. Our students love the program and they strive to be named one of the Top Ten Schools in the Nation!
Spelling Bee
Students have the opportunity to compete in two regional spelling competitions. The first, for students in Grades 4-8, is the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Western PA Spelling Bee held in March. The winner of the PG Bee, which is held at a local university, will represent our city in Washington DC at the national level. The second event, for students in Grades 4-6, is the Pittsburgh Diocesan Spelling Bee, which is held in May at a local grade school. Interested students meet twice a month after school for several months to practice and engage in fun activities to improve their spelling. Then, two separate bees are held here at our school. One determines who will represent St Gabriel school at the PG bee, the other selects our participant for the Diocesan bee.
Student Council
The student body of St. Gabriel School, Grades 6 through 8, elects 10-12 officers from the 7th and 8th grades to serve as school representatives. Homeroom representatives from each middle school homeroom are also elected to be part of the board.
The purpose of this organization is to foster school spirit, build community, and bring about the formation of confident, capable, and reliable students; to develop effective student leaders involved in the democratic process who will become competent future members of society, respectful of the rights and responsibilities of its citizens.
St. Gabriel Student Council raises thousands of dollars a year for several different charitable groups, leads school events, and represents the school in community events.