Athletics: Program Statement
Athletic Programs
The St. Gabriel Athletic Association (SGAA) organizes and funds the following athletic programs of St. Gabriel School: basketball, cheerleading, cross country, volleyball and soccer. All students who meet the grade level requirements, are academically eligible, and have a valid physical are able to participate in these programs.
For each sport, teams will be organized according to whether or not those teams participate in leagues sponsored by the Diocese of Pittsburgh. Those teams which participate in a league will be known as varsity or junior varsity teams. Those teams which do not participate in a formal league will be known as grade level developmental teams. The basketball program will consist of varsity/junior varsity and grade level developmental teams.
For every sport, student athletes will be developed and play in accordance with the following philosophies.
Player Development Philosophy
The philosophy of the SGAA is to develop every child to the best of his or her ability and to prepare him or her for the next level of competition subject to the playing time philosophy.
Playing Time Philosophy
For all grade level developmental teams, a child is guaranteed equal playing time during each game throughout the season except in tournaments where variations in playing time can be determined by the coaches, with the permission of the Athletic Director and/or President. For varsity and junior varsity teams, a child is not guaranteed playing time throughout the season. Playing on multiple teams is prohibited, unless a full team cannot be fielded. The determination as to what constitutes a full team shall be made by the Athletic Director or President for the SGAA.
Sports Clinics
Traditionally, The SGAA sponsors clinics for the students in kindergarten through 3rd grade. Basic skills are stressed and the emphasis is on the children having fun through drills. A separate fee is established for the clinics. Traditionally, the clinics are held on Saturdays for six weeks each year. Each session lasts for 1 to 1-1/2 hours, based on availability of gym time.
Safety and Health of All Children
Children will not participate in the athletic programs without an annual physical examination. Under Diocesan Rules, permission forms signed by a physician and the parent must be returned before a child may participate in practices or competition. Parent release forms must be signed by both parents and must contain at least two (2) emergency telephone numbers. Parent release forms will be placed on file at the rectory if requested. Copies will also be given to the Athletic Director and appropriate coach. In all practices, the SGAA strives to have at least two (2) adults in attendance, one of whom has a car in case of emergency.
Academic and Disciplinary Concerns
Student athletes must maintain an academic average that indicates that they are progressing and putting forth the effort to the best of their ability. If academic problems arise, notification will be sent from the principal to parents, students, teachers and coaches. Two weeks will be given from the date of notification for the students to improve the grades. If adequate improvement is not achieved during this time, a conference is to be scheduled by the principal for the parents, teachers, and students. All parties involved are encouraged to attend this meeting with the students' welfare in mind and with a willingness to help the students.
If the problem is one of discipline, a conference will also be scheduled by the principal for the parents, teachers and students. A solution that is fair to the students themselves, as well as the other students involved will be sought. Students and parents should be informed of the meeting and the goals set for a more appropriate behavior, if discipline involves some action to be taken in connection with the athletic program. If the need for another conference becomes necessary, the coaches are to attend that second meeting. In extreme situations of a disciplinary nature, the principal reserves the right to pull a student from participating in one or more athletic functions if necessary.
St. Gabriel coaches are volunteers and receive no compensation. Every attempt is made by the SGAA to find qualified and dedicated individuals possessing both the abilities to teach the fundamentals and adhere to the philosophy of the Association. An emphasis on both sportsmanship and Christian attitude will be stressed by coaches when teaching students. Each coach assigned to the Varsity/Junior Varsity teams solely determines rosters and playing time during the games. No coach can be removed from his or her position without consent of the Board. All coaches, at all levels, must meet Diocesan Guidelines for clearances.
If a concern arises during the season, regarding a child, it should be discussed with the child's coach. If satisfaction is not achieved from the coach, the next step is to bring it to the immediate attention of the appropriate Vice President of the Board. The Vice President will solve the problem consulting with the Board and Athletic Director as needed.
At no time, regardless of the circumstances, will any verbal and/or physical abuse of a coach be tolerated by the SGAA. All violations of this policy will be reviewed by the Board and appropriate action will be taken. Continued violations can and will result in the expulsion of the student or parent from the program.
Parent Responsibilities
The SGAA encourages and needs the support of its members, parents, and guardians of the children participating in the athletic program.
Parent/guardian support of the SGAA can occur in two ways. Firstly, parents/guardians must agree to uphold and abide by this Program Statement, the coaches and the team concept. Secondly, parents/guardians should volunteer their help during the games. This includes collecting gate, selling 50/50 chances, policing the facilities that are used, and keeping the clock and score book.
Most parents/guardians who are members of the SGAA are both working and donating their time in other organizations. They should realize that their time and talents are needed by the SGAA as well in order for it to continue to run effectively. Like all organizations, the SGAA cannot function effectively with only a few people doing all the work. The cooperation of parents/guardians, in volunteering, is strongly encouraged and truly appreciated.
Each participating student in the athletic program will be given various equipment or uniforms. It is the responsibility of each parent/guardian and student athlete to see that care is taken in returning same in clean and reusable condition at season's end. Failure to return a uniform will result in a monetary penalty – full replacement cost of the uniform.
Finally, and most important, all members of the SGAA, whether it be parents, coaches, or players, represent St. Gabriel School at all times. Any inappropriate behavior or conduct will not be tolerated by the SGAA. Any such behavior can jeopardize the entire SGAA's participation in any athletic program.
Alcoholic Beverage and Drug Abuse
No persons will consume alcoholic beverage or illegal drugs at any organized functions at which student athletes are present, whether held on school property or any other designated area that is used for organized SGAA functions. All violations will be considered by the Board for expulsion from the SGAA.
The Organization of the SGAA Board consists of the following officers and directors for the 2017-2018 season:
President: George Nieman
Vice President – Girls: Cindy Egan
Vice President – Boys: Michelle Niles
Secretary: Kathy Lucas
Treasurer: Joe Lucarelli
Membership/By-Laws Director: Melissa Stefanyszyn
Athletic Director: Pat Joyce
Equipment Manager: Jeremy Rose and Tom Horvath
Fundraising Director: Bob Mickolay
Concessions Manager: To Be Determined
Administrator: Father John Skirtich
Principal: Don Militzer
All of the officers and directors are elected by the Membership with the exception of the Principal and Moderator who are members of the Board by virtue of their position. The term of each of the elected officers and directors is two (2) years, with the exception of the President whose term is one (1) year.
Elections are held each year at the annual banquet. Nominations for Board positions are open to any parent or guardian of students registered in the SGAA program or any Association volunteer 18 years of age or older. The nomination process begins in November of each year with the creation of the Board's nominating committee.
Each year a budget is prepared and, based on projected costs, a registration fee is established. Every attempt is made to keep this fee to a minimum for each family. All fees are listed on the SGAA Registration Form. All parents/guardians are asked to pay the annual registration fees and support the fund-raisers; however, NO child will be refused participation for financial reasons. Any family who is unable to pay all or part of the annual registration fees should contact the SGAA or Parochial Vicar of St. Gabriel Church to have their registration processed before the SGAA's sign-up deadline.
The St. Gabriel Athletic Association (SGAA) organizes and funds the following athletic programs of St. Gabriel School: basketball, cheerleading, cross country, volleyball and soccer. All students who meet the grade level requirements, are academically eligible, and have a valid physical are able to participate in these programs.
For each sport, teams will be organized according to whether or not those teams participate in leagues sponsored by the Diocese of Pittsburgh. Those teams which participate in a league will be known as varsity or junior varsity teams. Those teams which do not participate in a formal league will be known as grade level developmental teams. The basketball program will consist of varsity/junior varsity and grade level developmental teams.
For every sport, student athletes will be developed and play in accordance with the following philosophies.
Player Development Philosophy
The philosophy of the SGAA is to develop every child to the best of his or her ability and to prepare him or her for the next level of competition subject to the playing time philosophy.
Playing Time Philosophy
For all grade level developmental teams, a child is guaranteed equal playing time during each game throughout the season except in tournaments where variations in playing time can be determined by the coaches, with the permission of the Athletic Director and/or President. For varsity and junior varsity teams, a child is not guaranteed playing time throughout the season. Playing on multiple teams is prohibited, unless a full team cannot be fielded. The determination as to what constitutes a full team shall be made by the Athletic Director or President for the SGAA.
Sports Clinics
Traditionally, The SGAA sponsors clinics for the students in kindergarten through 3rd grade. Basic skills are stressed and the emphasis is on the children having fun through drills. A separate fee is established for the clinics. Traditionally, the clinics are held on Saturdays for six weeks each year. Each session lasts for 1 to 1-1/2 hours, based on availability of gym time.
Safety and Health of All Children
Children will not participate in the athletic programs without an annual physical examination. Under Diocesan Rules, permission forms signed by a physician and the parent must be returned before a child may participate in practices or competition. Parent release forms must be signed by both parents and must contain at least two (2) emergency telephone numbers. Parent release forms will be placed on file at the rectory if requested. Copies will also be given to the Athletic Director and appropriate coach. In all practices, the SGAA strives to have at least two (2) adults in attendance, one of whom has a car in case of emergency.
Academic and Disciplinary Concerns
Student athletes must maintain an academic average that indicates that they are progressing and putting forth the effort to the best of their ability. If academic problems arise, notification will be sent from the principal to parents, students, teachers and coaches. Two weeks will be given from the date of notification for the students to improve the grades. If adequate improvement is not achieved during this time, a conference is to be scheduled by the principal for the parents, teachers, and students. All parties involved are encouraged to attend this meeting with the students' welfare in mind and with a willingness to help the students.
If the problem is one of discipline, a conference will also be scheduled by the principal for the parents, teachers and students. A solution that is fair to the students themselves, as well as the other students involved will be sought. Students and parents should be informed of the meeting and the goals set for a more appropriate behavior, if discipline involves some action to be taken in connection with the athletic program. If the need for another conference becomes necessary, the coaches are to attend that second meeting. In extreme situations of a disciplinary nature, the principal reserves the right to pull a student from participating in one or more athletic functions if necessary.
St. Gabriel coaches are volunteers and receive no compensation. Every attempt is made by the SGAA to find qualified and dedicated individuals possessing both the abilities to teach the fundamentals and adhere to the philosophy of the Association. An emphasis on both sportsmanship and Christian attitude will be stressed by coaches when teaching students. Each coach assigned to the Varsity/Junior Varsity teams solely determines rosters and playing time during the games. No coach can be removed from his or her position without consent of the Board. All coaches, at all levels, must meet Diocesan Guidelines for clearances.
If a concern arises during the season, regarding a child, it should be discussed with the child's coach. If satisfaction is not achieved from the coach, the next step is to bring it to the immediate attention of the appropriate Vice President of the Board. The Vice President will solve the problem consulting with the Board and Athletic Director as needed.
At no time, regardless of the circumstances, will any verbal and/or physical abuse of a coach be tolerated by the SGAA. All violations of this policy will be reviewed by the Board and appropriate action will be taken. Continued violations can and will result in the expulsion of the student or parent from the program.
Parent Responsibilities
The SGAA encourages and needs the support of its members, parents, and guardians of the children participating in the athletic program.
Parent/guardian support of the SGAA can occur in two ways. Firstly, parents/guardians must agree to uphold and abide by this Program Statement, the coaches and the team concept. Secondly, parents/guardians should volunteer their help during the games. This includes collecting gate, selling 50/50 chances, policing the facilities that are used, and keeping the clock and score book.
Most parents/guardians who are members of the SGAA are both working and donating their time in other organizations. They should realize that their time and talents are needed by the SGAA as well in order for it to continue to run effectively. Like all organizations, the SGAA cannot function effectively with only a few people doing all the work. The cooperation of parents/guardians, in volunteering, is strongly encouraged and truly appreciated.
Each participating student in the athletic program will be given various equipment or uniforms. It is the responsibility of each parent/guardian and student athlete to see that care is taken in returning same in clean and reusable condition at season's end. Failure to return a uniform will result in a monetary penalty – full replacement cost of the uniform.
Finally, and most important, all members of the SGAA, whether it be parents, coaches, or players, represent St. Gabriel School at all times. Any inappropriate behavior or conduct will not be tolerated by the SGAA. Any such behavior can jeopardize the entire SGAA's participation in any athletic program.
Alcoholic Beverage and Drug Abuse
No persons will consume alcoholic beverage or illegal drugs at any organized functions at which student athletes are present, whether held on school property or any other designated area that is used for organized SGAA functions. All violations will be considered by the Board for expulsion from the SGAA.
The Organization of the SGAA Board consists of the following officers and directors for the 2017-2018 season:
President: George Nieman
Vice President – Girls: Cindy Egan
Vice President – Boys: Michelle Niles
Secretary: Kathy Lucas
Treasurer: Joe Lucarelli
Membership/By-Laws Director: Melissa Stefanyszyn
Athletic Director: Pat Joyce
Equipment Manager: Jeremy Rose and Tom Horvath
Fundraising Director: Bob Mickolay
Concessions Manager: To Be Determined
Administrator: Father John Skirtich
Principal: Don Militzer
All of the officers and directors are elected by the Membership with the exception of the Principal and Moderator who are members of the Board by virtue of their position. The term of each of the elected officers and directors is two (2) years, with the exception of the President whose term is one (1) year.
Elections are held each year at the annual banquet. Nominations for Board positions are open to any parent or guardian of students registered in the SGAA program or any Association volunteer 18 years of age or older. The nomination process begins in November of each year with the creation of the Board's nominating committee.
Each year a budget is prepared and, based on projected costs, a registration fee is established. Every attempt is made to keep this fee to a minimum for each family. All fees are listed on the SGAA Registration Form. All parents/guardians are asked to pay the annual registration fees and support the fund-raisers; however, NO child will be refused participation for financial reasons. Any family who is unable to pay all or part of the annual registration fees should contact the SGAA or Parochial Vicar of St. Gabriel Church to have their registration processed before the SGAA's sign-up deadline.
Policy: Student Athletes Serving As Coaches' Aides
In keeping with the goals of the Diocesan Athletic Office to foster teamwork, sportsmanship and athletic enrichment within a Christian framework, the SGAA allows for the use of student athletes as coaching assistants. Student coaching assistants, when utilized appropriately, can enhance athletic programs by allowing for more individualized attention to less experienced players by more experienced players, and peer role-modeling. The benefits to the student coaching aides are the development of leadership skills through patience, positive feedback and cooperative learning.
The procedures for using student athletes as coaching aides will be as follows:
In keeping with the goals of the Diocesan Athletic Office to foster teamwork, sportsmanship and athletic enrichment within a Christian framework, the SGAA allows for the use of student athletes as coaching assistants. Student coaching assistants, when utilized appropriately, can enhance athletic programs by allowing for more individualized attention to less experienced players by more experienced players, and peer role-modeling. The benefits to the student coaching aides are the development of leadership skills through patience, positive feedback and cooperative learning.
The procedures for using student athletes as coaching aides will be as follows:
- The Athletic Director is informed by the coach of the identity of the student athletes who are acting as coach’s aides and how they are to be utilized.
- The student athletes work under the direction and supervision of the coaches as aides or demonstrators of particular skills.
- During a team scrimmage, the student athletes should not be asked to play unless there are insufficient players to field a full team.
- The assignment of student athletes to assist students who are the same grade level will be discouraged but not disallowed.

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