Cheerleading is offered to 4th through 8th grade girls. Practice begins within the first few weeks of the start of school. The program consists of both a Junior Varsity and Varsity squads who cheer at their respective girls and boys home basketball games. Throughout the season, both teams may compete in diocesan cheering tournaments. Each cheerleader is supplied with a uniform and pompoms. The uniforms are not to be altered in any way. If a uniform does not fit, the coach should contact the SGAA Equipment Manager.
Junior Varsity
At this level (4th through 6th grades), the cheerleaders begin by learning the basic cheerleading techniques, as shown by the coaches. Practices are usually held 1 to 2 times per week immediately after school, depending on gym availability.
The 7th and 8th graders interested in cheerleading represent the Varsity squad. Practices are held 1 to 2 times per week immediately after school, depending on gym availability. Varsity cheerleaders cheer at all home games for both the Varsity boys and girls basketball program. The Varsity cheerleaders represent St. Gabriel School in year-end competitions.
Junior Varsity
At this level (4th through 6th grades), the cheerleaders begin by learning the basic cheerleading techniques, as shown by the coaches. Practices are usually held 1 to 2 times per week immediately after school, depending on gym availability.
The 7th and 8th graders interested in cheerleading represent the Varsity squad. Practices are held 1 to 2 times per week immediately after school, depending on gym availability. Varsity cheerleaders cheer at all home games for both the Varsity boys and girls basketball program. The Varsity cheerleaders represent St. Gabriel School in year-end competitions.