Altar Servers
The honor of assisting the priest at weekday and weekend Masses is open to all students in grade 5 and above. However, formal training is offered to students in the last quarter of grade 4. Newly trained servers shadow experienced veteran servers at weekday Masses throughout the remainder of the school year and over the summer.
Legion of Mary
The Junior Legion of Mary is open to all students in grades 3 and above. Meetings are held in school on Thursdays from 3-4:30 p.m.
There are 2 subgroups that comprise the Junior Legion of Mary:
• Our Lady of Fatima (grades 3-5)
• Our Lady of Light (grades 6-8)
Both subgroup's ministry parallels the Senior Legion of Mary in prayer for and service to the Church and local community.
Students (grades 4-8) assist in leading the assembled body in raising hearts and voices to God in song at the weekly School Mass.
On occasion, band members are invited to augment a musical selection at the weekly School Mass.
Students proclaim the Word of God at the weekly School Mass, following a rotation by grade level.
The honor of assisting the priest at weekday and weekend Masses is open to all students in grade 5 and above. However, formal training is offered to students in the last quarter of grade 4. Newly trained servers shadow experienced veteran servers at weekday Masses throughout the remainder of the school year and over the summer.
Legion of Mary
The Junior Legion of Mary is open to all students in grades 3 and above. Meetings are held in school on Thursdays from 3-4:30 p.m.
There are 2 subgroups that comprise the Junior Legion of Mary:
• Our Lady of Fatima (grades 3-5)
• Our Lady of Light (grades 6-8)
Both subgroup's ministry parallels the Senior Legion of Mary in prayer for and service to the Church and local community.
Students (grades 4-8) assist in leading the assembled body in raising hearts and voices to God in song at the weekly School Mass.
On occasion, band members are invited to augment a musical selection at the weekly School Mass.
Students proclaim the Word of God at the weekly School Mass, following a rotation by grade level.