Support SGS: Ongoing
There are numerous ways for parents, parishioners, and alumni to support St. Gabriel School.
Empty/Used Inkjet and Laser Cartridge and Old Cell Phone Donation Program
Click here for more info on the "Laser Cartridge / Ink Cartridge / Cell Phone Recycling Program."
School Spirit Store
The School Spirit Store sells "St. Gabe's" merchandise including pencils, pens, magnets, erasers and a few new surprises this year. The store will be open at predetermined PTG events and once every month in the cafeteria.
Food Club
THIS IS FREE MONEY FOR OUR SCHOOL/PARISH!!! Simply make it part of your weekly routine to buy your gift cards prior to shopping.; you'll be helping earn this free money! Food Club Certificates can also be purchased daily at the rectory and, before & after weekend masses. Click here to download an order form.
Restaurant Nights Out
Give Mom and Dad a break and give back to the school all at the same time. Various restaurants have been scheduled to host Saint Gabe's family night out including Chipotle, Chick-Fil-A, and BJ's, just to start! Portions of their sales for the day will be given back to our school so have dinner with your family and friends while contributing to this great cause!
Computer Dress Down Days
In support of our state-of-the-art computer lab, children will be permitted to dress down once a month for an $18.00 (min) contribution at the beginning of the school year. Look for more info and specific dates in your child's classroom and on the school's monthly calendar.
Giant Eagle Apples for Students
Register your Advantage Card with our school for money back to our school. Register Saint Gabriel School with School ID 1070. Click here for more information on the Giant Eagle Apples for Students Program.
Shop-N-Save SEED Program (Students Extra Educational Development)
Drop your Shop-N-Save receipts in the designated box in the Church vestibule for free school assemblies. Click here for more information on the Shop-N-Save SEED Program.
Register St. Gabriel School on your first login and every time you use goodsearch as your search engine, our school receives money back. Click here for
Campbell's and Tyson Labels for Education and Box Tops for Education
Provides free gym equipment for our school. Click here for more information on Box Tops for Education. Click here for Campbell's Labels for Education.
Office Depot 5% Back to Schools Program
Use School Code 70088404 or mention Saint Gabriel's at the time of school or office supply purchases. Click here for more information on the Office Depot 5% Back to Schools Program.
AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to your favorite charitable organization. You can choose from nearly one million organizations to support. Look for St. Gabriel Church in Pittsburgh, PA to support our church and school.
Click here for more info on the "Laser Cartridge / Ink Cartridge / Cell Phone Recycling Program."
School Spirit Store
The School Spirit Store sells "St. Gabe's" merchandise including pencils, pens, magnets, erasers and a few new surprises this year. The store will be open at predetermined PTG events and once every month in the cafeteria.
Food Club
THIS IS FREE MONEY FOR OUR SCHOOL/PARISH!!! Simply make it part of your weekly routine to buy your gift cards prior to shopping.; you'll be helping earn this free money! Food Club Certificates can also be purchased daily at the rectory and, before & after weekend masses. Click here to download an order form.
Restaurant Nights Out
Give Mom and Dad a break and give back to the school all at the same time. Various restaurants have been scheduled to host Saint Gabe's family night out including Chipotle, Chick-Fil-A, and BJ's, just to start! Portions of their sales for the day will be given back to our school so have dinner with your family and friends while contributing to this great cause!
Computer Dress Down Days
In support of our state-of-the-art computer lab, children will be permitted to dress down once a month for an $18.00 (min) contribution at the beginning of the school year. Look for more info and specific dates in your child's classroom and on the school's monthly calendar.
Giant Eagle Apples for Students
Register your Advantage Card with our school for money back to our school. Register Saint Gabriel School with School ID 1070. Click here for more information on the Giant Eagle Apples for Students Program.
Shop-N-Save SEED Program (Students Extra Educational Development)
Drop your Shop-N-Save receipts in the designated box in the Church vestibule for free school assemblies. Click here for more information on the Shop-N-Save SEED Program.
Register St. Gabriel School on your first login and every time you use goodsearch as your search engine, our school receives money back. Click here for
Campbell's and Tyson Labels for Education and Box Tops for Education
Provides free gym equipment for our school. Click here for more information on Box Tops for Education. Click here for Campbell's Labels for Education.
Office Depot 5% Back to Schools Program
Use School Code 70088404 or mention Saint Gabriel's at the time of school or office supply purchases. Click here for more information on the Office Depot 5% Back to Schools Program.
AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to your favorite charitable organization. You can choose from nearly one million organizations to support. Look for St. Gabriel Church in Pittsburgh, PA to support our church and school.