Be it known to all who enter here, that Christ is the reason for this school. He is the unseen, but ever present teacher in its classes. He is the model of its faculty and the inspiration of its students. St. Gabriel OSV School develops the whole child through knowledge and understanding, without regard to race, color, creed, or national origin. Through love and understanding, we strive to develop a positive self-image and to provide opportunities for growth: spiritually, intellectually, morally, socially, culturally, and physically. Through successful positive experience in a safe and caring environment, each child has the opportunity of becoming an informed, responsible citizen of State, Church, and God’s Kingdom. With a quality academic program as our goal, the school strives to achieve success through faith, knowledge and service.
In cooperation with the parents, it is the school’s privilege and responsibility to guide the child in the development of values. The Christian values of tolerance and respect are particular goals to be developed, not only individually, but as a school community. Opportunities are provided for the child to grow in understanding the need for friends, for acceptance, and for security and to accept the obligation of being all that one can become.
Academic Excellence
The school endeavors to impart a quality academic program with emphasis on basic skills, a variety of learning experiences, and problem-solving techniques. Academic excellence will enable the student to become an informed, responsible Catholic citizen.
At St. Gabriel OSV School, clergy, administration, faculty, and parents work together on the four-fold purpose of Catholic education:
.....to deliver the GOSPEL MESSAGE
.....to give SERVICE
.....to build COMMUNITY
.....to WORSHIP.
St. Gabriel School employs various technology-based tools for the betterment of the student body. For example, Google Suites for Education will enable students to work interactively and with ease with future implementation of personal devices such as Chromebooks. iPads are shared among students, as well. In addition, we have Smartboards in almost ever classroom, and we were able to install 30 new all-in-one computers for our computer lab. We've also recently improved our internet reliability by installing an updated WiFi router and switches.
Technology dress down days allow us to pay for service updates and programs such as Think Through Math, Accelerated Reader, Reading A-Z, and new app purchases as teachers request them.
For the safety of our students, our school uses the Raptor Visitor Management System.
Spirituality Practices
The following is a list of activities that the students participate in on a regular basis:
Be it known to all who enter here, that Christ is the reason for this school. He is the unseen, but ever present teacher in its classes. He is the model of its faculty and the inspiration of its students. St. Gabriel OSV School develops the whole child through knowledge and understanding, without regard to race, color, creed, or national origin. Through love and understanding, we strive to develop a positive self-image and to provide opportunities for growth: spiritually, intellectually, morally, socially, culturally, and physically. Through successful positive experience in a safe and caring environment, each child has the opportunity of becoming an informed, responsible citizen of State, Church, and God’s Kingdom. With a quality academic program as our goal, the school strives to achieve success through faith, knowledge and service.
In cooperation with the parents, it is the school’s privilege and responsibility to guide the child in the development of values. The Christian values of tolerance and respect are particular goals to be developed, not only individually, but as a school community. Opportunities are provided for the child to grow in understanding the need for friends, for acceptance, and for security and to accept the obligation of being all that one can become.
Academic Excellence
The school endeavors to impart a quality academic program with emphasis on basic skills, a variety of learning experiences, and problem-solving techniques. Academic excellence will enable the student to become an informed, responsible Catholic citizen.
At St. Gabriel OSV School, clergy, administration, faculty, and parents work together on the four-fold purpose of Catholic education:
.....to deliver the GOSPEL MESSAGE
.....to give SERVICE
.....to build COMMUNITY
.....to WORSHIP.
St. Gabriel School employs various technology-based tools for the betterment of the student body. For example, Google Suites for Education will enable students to work interactively and with ease with future implementation of personal devices such as Chromebooks. iPads are shared among students, as well. In addition, we have Smartboards in almost ever classroom, and we were able to install 30 new all-in-one computers for our computer lab. We've also recently improved our internet reliability by installing an updated WiFi router and switches.
Technology dress down days allow us to pay for service updates and programs such as Think Through Math, Accelerated Reader, Reading A-Z, and new app purchases as teachers request them.
For the safety of our students, our school uses the Raptor Visitor Management System.
Spirituality Practices
The following is a list of activities that the students participate in on a regular basis:
- An approved Diocesan religion program is taught in all grade levels.
- All students attend Mass once a week during the school year.
- Students participate in the Junior Legion of Mary.
- Grade levels prepare Mass once a moth.
- Students participate in Living Stations during Lent.
- Students also participate in a Living Rosary.
- A May crowning takes place each year.
- Students participate in a church choir.
- Students make cards for shut-ins and collect donations.
- Students take part in the Rice Bowl activity each year.
- Students conduct a fundraiser for the mission in Chimbote, Peru.
- Students take part in the St. Francis food drives.
- Students participate in the Lady of Light activity.
- Students act as Altar Servers for daily and Sunday Masses.
- The school participates in Catholic Schools Week each year.
- The Rosary is said every morning with students each October.
- Students preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation engage in additional spiritual activities.
- Students attend Stations of the Cross each Friday during Lent.
- Students attend confession at Christmas and Easter.
- Eighth grade students travel by bus each year to participate in the March for Life in Washington, D.C.