2020-2021 School Year Calendar
Updated February 8, 2021, but not indicted on the calendar below:
Monday, February 15th (President's Day) is now a Flexible Instruction Day.
-Teachers will provide the students with packets by Friday, February 12, 2021, to complete and return on Tuesday, February 16th
Wednesday, March 31st is now an In-Person school day.
The last day of school will now be June 10, 2021, instead of June 9th. June 10th will be an early dismissal day.
Monday, February 15th (President's Day) is now a Flexible Instruction Day.
-Teachers will provide the students with packets by Friday, February 12, 2021, to complete and return on Tuesday, February 16th
Wednesday, March 31st is now an In-Person school day.
The last day of school will now be June 10, 2021, instead of June 9th. June 10th will be an early dismissal day.
2020-2021 Calendar (updated October 1, 2020)

2020-2021sgs-school-calendarv2.pdf |
2021-2022 School Year Calendar MOMA
Updated May 24, 2021.

2021-2022-momaschoolcalendarv1.pdf |
Detailed Monthly Calendar

2021-06-calendar.pdf |